This is my first topic on the history and stories I began the story with a story of the history of Java on one of the Palace of in Java. Frankly, I'm really with the historical hobbies Java and all interrelationships. Maybe because I was born as a Java. The founder of the Mataram dynasty or Sutawijaya Panembahan Senapati. Sutawijaya ancestors Ki Ageng Sela is coming from a family ordinary farmers. But by the legend that dituturkatakan Ki Ageng Sela This is not an ordinary citizen periphery. However, one of the village of aspiring to heaven, one of the miracle of the most frequently told by people is that he was able to catch lightning. In one desire in him, Ki Ageng Sela wanted once having offspring that will going back to power in The island of Java, remember that he felt that in itself is still Majapahit blood there. Later, through a granddaughter wants open adoptive, or Karebet Mas Jaka Tingkir, son aka Ki Kebo Kenanga Pengging Ageng.
In married life, Ki Ageng a son During the 7 people each is Nyai Ageng Purungtengah, Nyai Ageng Saba, Nyai Ageng Bangsri, Nyai Ageng Teak, Nyai Ageng Petanen, Nyai Ageng Pakisdadu and the only man and became the youngest in the family called Ki Ageng Ngenis.
Ki Pemanahan has 7 children, 5 of them male. Born eldest named Senopati, taken by the Sultan adopted child Pajang before the Empress, the third daughter of Emperor Trenggana, childbirth Prince Benawa crown prince. In Javanese tradition, husband and wife if they have not had children and then want to have children then according to the story, they should be adopted as memgambil means to conceive. Mataram era began in 1417 when Ki Pemanahan receive huta as a present area of approximately 800 works from the Sultan Pajang because Ki Pemanahan Penangsang killed Arya. Forest given the name Mentaok. Meanwhile participating Penjawi meritorious given the Earth because of his services quell Starch Duke Jipang rebellion.
With the help of farmers from Sela, who had been a Mentaok managed forests are opened and made a new settlement and a change of name by Mataram. Ki Pemanahan position is as landowners while that of farmers in the workers' status as tenants land. In principle this is similar to the relationship gusti - subjects or a gentleman - in the lives of the underprivileged Palace. As a ruler, chose the title Pemanahan Ki Ki Gede Mataram as a proof of his loyalty to Pajai. In the Babad Tanah Jawi told that the Sultan Hadiwijaya basically had initially hesitated Mentaok submit in connection with the prediction of Sunan Giri will be the emergence of a rival kingdom Pajai. Fundamental change occurred during Sutawijaya up replacing father's position and title Panembahan Senapati. Signs eparated from Pajai was demonstrated by the construction of the wall around the city like a palace. Military strength and established urban design and operation of household organization addressed all of the lifting Ki Interpreters Mertani be advisers, leading to an independent form of government.
Jaka Tingkir Trahing Kesuma potatoes (not a blood lifted themselves into the Sultan, of course many is not princes received. But most against the Duke Jipang: Aryo Penangsang. After trying to send a killer to the Palace Running, ... finally declared lack Penangsang Aryo sukaanya openly. And began collecting armies for Pajang opposed. Before the war, they both sempet collected by Sunan Holy. But Sunan Kudus gelembuk've sempet at first i just Aryo penangsang ,..... so that by the time the Holy sunan, seats yg provided for Sultan Hadiwijaya've given tattoo. Brg who sit there get hurt. But thanks to the instructions interpreting Mertani Ki, Managed to allow the Aryo Hadiwijaya seats penangsang yg originally assigned to him ==>
Amangkurat IV, also known as Jawi is not Amangkurat a leader who firmly. Sometimes ambiguous political policy and often led to intrigue. The lack of clarity in his against the Dutch finally made his uncle the Prince Purbaya and Prince Balitar separated from him and then join forces against the Dutch in Surabaya. Amangkurat IV died in 1727 and was succeeded by his son ie Gusti Raden Mas Suyasa born King of the empress Kangjeng Queen Kencana or Kangjeng Ageng Queen, daughter of the Regent Tirtakusuma Duke Spirit. By the time he was wearing his coronation Pakubuwono II and still 16-year-old. II Pakubuwono Dutch anti sebenernya. Wrong one example is he secretly agreed Patih Natakusuma send troops Kartasura secret mission to help Chinese invasion of the Dutch fort in Semarang. Dutch gradually suspect that Pakubuwono II help the raid to cover all possibilities, Paku Buwono II tried to wash your hands with attributing all errors the resulting Natakusuma Patih throw away the Regent to Ceylon.
Capture and disposal of the ministers of the fuel unrest in society anti Company. Them, including including Raden Mas Garendi, grandson Amangkurat III, who later Kartasura led invasion and ultimately make Pakubuwono II run to Ponorogo. Year 1742 was appointed as the Sultan Garendi Amangkurat V or called Sunan Kuning also because of his coronation is supported by the ethnic-skinned yellow, China. In refugee camps, Pakubuwono II in 1743 are willing to accept Dutch military aid offer with a promise that he required to submit the entire coastal areas plus Another area of work 138.422. Kartasura been won back, but unfortunately despite Pakubuwono II to regain his throne, coastal areas have lost his submitted to the Dutch. Assume that Kartasura has lost tuahnya, Susuhunan Paku Buwono II moved the center of his empire to the village of Sala. Keraton new This was completed in 1745 and was named Solo Sultanate.
Toward the end of his reign, Pakubuwono II still had tofacing the defection of some of the immediate family was disappointed and hurt the political policy that gave birth to so many sycophant officers of the Company. Later it is this which will divide the Mataram into four kingdoms. One of the resistance is considered the most threatening is Raden
Mas Said, son of the exiled Prince Mangkunegoro to Ceylon. Prince was the brother of Mangkunegoro Pakubuwono II but different mothers. Mastering Sukowati, Raden Mas Said resistance increasing firmly coupled with assistance from Prince Mangkubumi, brother-in-law who is also younger than Pakubuwono II. However, personal conflicts and ambitions of them have changed daughter-in-law relationship into a bitter feud.
Prince Mangkubumi turned into opponents as Raden Mas Said tempted to present king Sukowati as promised to anyone who can expel Raden Mas Said of the land. Apparently Mangkubumi never received a gift of land in question. Through a sly approach, managed to incite Pringgalaya Patih Governor-General van Imhoff in 1746 GDI yan visit Surakarta. The Regent is a provocation to the Governor-General mementahkan promise and successful king. Hurt humiliated in such a way, Prince Mangkubumi develop resistance from the western edge of Mataram. Amid the chaos, Pakubuwono II fell ill and died at year 1747. Near death, he was forced to surrender all power to the Netherlands. Practical royal sovereignty has tergadaikan without rest at all. Company was in control in the palace, lifting Gusti Raden Mas Suryokusumo as Pakubuwono III on December 15, 1749. Caused the Company to allow the sovereign status in a vacuum during two years, making many nobles and the people of Surakarta then crossed to join the Prince Mangkubumi. Position Prince Mangkubumi getting stronger.
To quell the resistance is finally there was a triangular agreement between the Company, Pakubuwono III and Pangerang Mangkubumi. This Agreement is known as the Treaty of Gianti as implemented in Gianti on February 13, 1755. This event is known as "Palihan Nagari". Agreements what happens is dipecahnya Mataram menajdi two equal parts large, including inheritance and its contents. Pakubuwono III or Sinuhun Swarga obtained with the eastern capital remained in Surakarta Sultanate and Prince Mangkubumi controlled the western part with Sultan Hamengkubuwono I located in Yogyakarta.
The combined power of three parties who had finally reconciled not can be countered by Raden Mas Said. He finally accepted an offer reconciliation of the Company. Treaty of Salatiga in the year 1757, it was agreed Raden Mas Said that receive a portion of Surakarta and styled Duke Kangjeng Gusti Anom Mangkunegoro Prince. Every Mangkunegoro KGPAA week to report to Susuhunan Pakubuwono as a sign of respect. The division of Mataram originally seen by the elite of Java as a resolution while but then realized that perception was wrong later, when each fraction of Mataram palace instead seen growing increasingly well established. This is what led to Pakubuwono IV to intend restore the Surakarta palace area of at least include throughout Central Java.
IV Pakubuwono plan also popular with sebutah Sinuhun Good result was a tense relationship between Yogyakarta - Mangkunegaran - Surakarta and even almost ignited a war brother. The crisis can be ended only in 1799 after Company re-intervention.
In 1808 when HW. Daendels appointed as Governor-General Dutch East Indies, the attributes of sovereignty of the kings of Java revoked by arbitrarily, including fire Sultan Hamengkubuwono II and reduce regional and income of Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Daendels pulled back in line with the fall of the Indies Dutch to British hands. New ruler Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles (1811 - 1816) was much different. He did the things done by Daendels.
Pakubuwono IV died on October 1, 1820 after ruling for 33 years. His son, Raden Mas Gusti Sugandi replace a V Pakubuwono also known as Sinuhun Sugih. Paku Buwono V only reigned for 3 years and during his reign no important event occurred. Eleven sons born of concubines Raden Ayu Namely Sosrokoesoemo Raden Mas Sapardan Airport, appear to inherit throne and title VI Pakubuwono or popularly known as Wake Sinuhun Tapa. VI Pakubuwono is very anti-Dutch and he secretly many donated funds and weapons to help the rebellion Prince Diponegoro. Secret meeting with the prince of Sultanate of Yogyakarta is often held in secret and with shot in Krewardhana Forest, located on the north side Kasunanan Keraton Surakarta.
When his fellowship with Prince Diponegoro discovered, Paku VI Buwono intend to revolt openly. He to leave the palace and then do a meditation on the Beach South to plead to God's son. This is a big allegation tale disguised, because the understanding is not impossible that the son interpret the desire to regain the earth Mataram. For that reason he was arrested by the Dutch and so exiled to Ambon in the year 1829. Pakubuwono VI died on June 2, 1849. He is recognized as a National Hero. In Jakarta, the name he used as the name of one main street. Throne of the palace fell into the hands of Maliki Gusti Raden Mas Salikin, son to Pakubuwono 23 IV of the Queen consort Kangjeng Kencana. Therefore, VI Pakubuwono not get the son of the Empress, Kangjeng Queen Hemas, who left the ground when exile was pregnant old.
Pakubuwono title VII, Salikin Maliki in power during 1830 -- 1858. In her marriage she had only two daughters. Therefore, Raden Mas Frame Airport appeared as a substitute in age of very old that is 69 years old. VIII Pakubuwono this is the fourth son of IV Pakubuwono born of concubines Raden Ayu Rantamsari.
Dated December 28, 1861 he died, leaving four children, all girls. Only then fell to the throne Duksina Gusti Raden Mas. Son number five Pakubuwono glahir VI yan the eldest of the empress was the graduation date of December 30, 1861 at the age of 31 years, titled Sampeyan Sinuhun ingkang Dalem Kangjeng Pakubuwono susuhunan Senopati Ing Ngalaga Ngabdurahman Sayidin Kaping ingkang Panataga IX.
After his death in 1893, the deceased was replaced IX Pakubuwono son crown that has been prepared since the baby, Raden Mas Gusti Malikul Sayidin Kusna. This is the most important period of revival Surakarta cultural life after a long sunk in heat rebellion, disputes and family disputes. Sinuhun reign Pakubuwono X is the most interesting to watch. In the 46-year period starting 1838 until 1939 This court can ***** arkan cultural life in the middle political power which in turn tends increasingly bleak.
IX Pakubuwono son born Queen consort Kangjeng Paku Buwono this, by her father has set a crown prince styled Duke Kangjeng Gusti Anom Prince Hamangkunagara Sudibya Narendra Rajaputra Mataram since I was 3 years old. As Prince Duke Anom, Malikul Kusna entitled to a salary of about 15.000 guilders per month. Yet this status lasts for 28 year. So that when he was appointed as Sinuhun Paku Buwono X on March 30, 1893, he at least got a great personal wealth more than 5 million guilders, which later many in ditanamkannya various forms of companies in addition to improving the building the palace and public facilities for the interests of the people. In the year - the early years of his reign, the central figure Kasunanan Palace Surakarta is considered trivial by almost all officials Dutch. An assessment of the future will be much later make the Dutch leaders regret the misinterpretation. Many things happened in the early days of government Sunan Pakubuwono X, one of which is an agreement that should he sign On March 30, 1893 which among other things clearly in said that the agreement allows deposed king position if it fails to meet its obligations as set in the agreement. But whether it was true would make Pakubuwono X be fully subject to the Dutch government, is a questionable. Governor-General Van der Jagt ever writes in one report, "He (Pakubuwono X) is 'loyal' to the Government. But the hidden inner instinct ancestor, the instincts of a ruler of East and East soldier. "
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