Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012


If friends meticulous in observing the forms of relief on one corner of the temple of Abydos above, it will easily find some relief depicting shape modern vehicles such as helicopters, submarines and even aircraft that resembles UFO.

Is it true that in ancient Egypt has had flight technology? Is there a connection with Atlantis? An ancient papyrus records the visit of UFO near the palace of Pharaoh. Uniquely, in the temple of Abydos hieroglyphs are similar to a series of airplanes, helicopters and even submarines.
Big city Abydos, the ancient language called "Abdjw" comes from the pre-dynastic period (4000 BC) is a hereditary history of Egypt. A place where there are many graves of kings in the pre-dynastic period of ancient Egypt which makes the area soon developed for religious purposes such as the center of worship for Osiris.This was first done in the tombs of the First Dynasty King Djer, identified as "a place of worship of Osiris". It is a myth that the king is God Egyptian society in pre-dynastic (menunjukpada like "Osirieon"). Osiris due attention to the big city to be a place of pilgrimage, one of the best places to actually desired funeral or memorial construction (monument built to honor the death of a person whose remains are elsewhere). Celebrations and a great desire to play life and death of Osiris was held here from Dynasty 12 (1985-1795 BC) until the Christian era.
One of the most important monuments in the region is the Temple of Seti I, which was built to honor Osiris. The temple is believed that Seti who is an architect and planner classic Egyptian temple truly scalable, but as a change of leadership when building the foundation of an accident so that the presence of the monument Djer unload place, and it is in reference to the Middle Kingdom tomb of Osiris as the place outside possibilities of wisdom, the home of Seti I and Rameses II expanded and elevated from the Osirion and penchant cult temple of Seti I Osiris connect later.
In February 1988, informed that the existence of Egyptian society where relief is considered as the "enigma". Of course, in between writing hieroglyphs, there is one that can easily distinguish an image that resembles a helicopter.This news is almost two years old have been published in France. Some people argued about the scheme sensibly explain the presence of "helicopter" between writing hieroglyphs.Clearly visible, others will say that the picture does not depict "helicopter" but more than one or two planes, submarines and even a UFO!
According to Mike Dyall Smith from Melbourne university that is more famous for the image promoted by the "new age or UFO buffs". Egyptian experts generally acknowledge that the image is clearly visible foreign aircraft is an illusion that occurs due to erosion of the rock surface (see the damage in the area of ​​the ceiling) and the process of re-sculpting in stone and patch to replace some of the hieroglyphs-hieroglyphs.When fillings fall out bit by bit from GLIP the old and the new GLIP cover and shaped "traces the strange". The use of the technique called the "Palimpsest". Everyone is well verse in the Egyptian inscription describes the return of sculptural pile of shattered inscriptions in the ancient Egyptian custom of the king as seeking to obtain a previous pharaoh or to discredit them.
But actually, this explanation is not very satisfactory. Really Abydos is an inscription that really describes the technology space or submarine in Ancient Egypt? To be sure, though different time, but in Egypt there is a papyrus that tells the UFO presence.The report noted a fairly old about life on other celestial is derived from the 15th century BC, were listed on the diary of Thutmosis III (an ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, 1504-1450 BC). Writing in papyrus (ancient writing) are found by Alberto Siliotti, reads as follows:
"In the twenty-second year, in the third month of winter, at the sixth day .... the author of House of Life see the existence of a ring of fire that appears in the sky. He does not have a head, and his breath smelled foul. One rod length, breadth 1 rod (5m). He did not make a sound. Because of the confusion they lay ... They came to Pharaoh to report what they had seen. The king contemplating and studying at the problem. Meanwhile ... a few days later, things had grown a lot in the air ... The army of Pharaoh kept an eye on those things when His Majesty the King was in the midst of them. That time is the time after dinner. The circles were then added flames rose higher in the sky, heading south. Fish and ducks falling from the air. And Pharaoh sent, and took frankincense, and baked for security and peace in the lives of people ... "
In addition, many discoveries of ancient artifacts that seemed odd shows that in the past, our ancestors have interacted with beings from outer space. There is also a link to the rest of the Atlanteans. Read also about the Vimana and Vailixi.

Minggu, 30 September 2012


MAQAM (Stasiun) Taubat sudah dikemukakan Jumat lalu. Maka pembinaan Akhlak yang lain dalam tasawuf bernama Zuhd (Zuhud), artinya membelakangi dunia. Pengertian tersebut tidak arif, karena kita masih hidup di dunia. Yang benar, karena tujuan mencari kesucian, ialah tidak gila dunia, tapi juga tidak membencinya. Dunia ini dihadapi apa adanya.. Harus berjuang menghadapinya,tapi bukan menjadi tujuan primer. Peranannya tidak lebih sebagai sasaran antara untuk mencapai kebahagiaan akhirat.Bukan seperti yang disebut orang ( Hadis dha’if) Ta’isyu abada (Akan hidup selama-lamanya). 

Karena falsafah dha’if yang dianut, banyak orang Terjatuh kehancurkan dan hidup korup, dengan mengejar harta 7 turunan, dan menghidupkan kapitalisme. Pada abad I dan II H, Tasawuf belum dikenal. Tapi sudah ada bibit-bibit praktek sebagian sahabat dan melahirkan profil maqam Zuhud (Zahid) dari Hasan Basri, namun . tidak persis zuhudnya. yang dikenal sufi (tarekat) sekarang. 
(1) Zuhud Hasan Basri dan sahabat waktu itu bentuknya amaliah, (praktek kongkret) dengan fase tasawuf yang lain, yaitu tidak menganut salah satu teori atau kaedah tertentu. 
(2) Ciri utamanya hanya meladeni kaum yang saleh. 
(3) Dasar dan sumber asasinya adalah Al-Quran, Sunnah dan Sahabatnya. 
(4) Pada fase ini Zuhud belum terpengaruh dari luar Islam. 

Pada paruh III H, sufi yang mulanya praktek perseorangan, berubah dan meng organisasikan diri dalam kelompok, dengan nama tarekat ( jalan )..Setiap tarekat, mempunyai Mursyid ( Pembimbing ) dan semua muurid, wajib tunduk kepadanya. Akibatnya, melahirkan fanatisme buta yang negative, karena tidak mau lagi mendengar dakwah Syekh lain, yang kapasitas keilmuannya lebih tinggi, dibandingkan Mursyidnya.Zuhud mereka membenci dunia, akhirnya jatuh miskin dan membawa kemunduran dan kemalasan, karena hanya tinggal bertasbih di dalam mesjid. Cara ritual yang semacam ini, sangat dibenci oleh Umar, sehingga pernah terjadi, Umar mengusir mereka yang hanya tinggal bertasbih dalam Mesjid dan tidak pergi mencari rezeki, untuk isteri dan anaknya. Cara zuhud seperti ini bertentangan Al-Quran yang berbunyi “ FANTASYIRU FIL ARDHI ” ( Kalau selesai salat, maka bertebaranlah kamu di muka bumi mencari kurnia Allah ( QS. Al-Jum’ah 1O ). Juga bertentangan ayat lain “ Dan carilah yang diberikan Allah kepadamu, kampung akhirat dan janganlah kamu lupakan nasibmu di dunia dan berbuat baiklah kepada Allah, sebagaimana Allah telah berbuat baik kepadamu (Q.S. Al- Qasas 77) Ayat ini diperkuat oleh hadis yang berbunyi (artinya) : Bukanlah orang yang terbaik diantara kalian, jika meninggalkan dunianya, untuk urusan akhiratnya. Tapi yang terbaik, diantara kalian, ialah orang yang mengambil dunia dan akhiratnya, secara bersama-sama.(HR.Ahmad). Ketika Rasul mendengar ada seorang sahabat yang puasa terus dan tidak mau berbuka sampai malam, Rasul berkata “ Siapakah yang memerintahkan untuk menyiksa diri, ? !. (Beliau mengulang 3 kali). (HR.Ahmad). Yang mendorong adanya Zuhud menurut Al-Quran, “ Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini, melainkan sendagurau dan main-main. Dan sesungguhnya, akhirat itulah yang sebenarnya kehidupan, kalau mereka mengetahui.(QS. Al- Ankabut 64). Diperkuat ayat lain :”Dijadikan indah pada pandangan manusia, kecintaan kepada apa yang diingini, yaitu : wanita-wanita, anak-anak, harta yang banyak, dari jenis emas dan perak, kuda pilihan, binatang ternak dan sawah ladang. Itulah kenikmatan hidup di dunia, (tapi) disisi Allah adalah tempat yang terbaik (surga) (QS. Ali Imran 14). Menurut Tafsir Nur Al-Qur’an :Kecintaan kepada perempuan yang berketurunan dengan anak yang pintar sebagai kewajaran bagi manusia. 

Karena wanita adalah daya tariknya sangat tinggi. Terkadang dari hal yang wajar, tapi akibat bisikan setan dan orang-orang disekitar kita, gampang mendatangkan bencana. Sebab itu perempuan harus dijaga, diawasi dan dipelihara dengan arif. Terlalu ketat patah, terlalu longgar, menghanyutkan. Itu sebab, waktu Rasul hendak wafat “ yang diwasiatkan umatnya “ Jagalah kaum wanita dan jagalah salat 5 waktu, kalau wanita tidak dijaga, hancur Negara dan kalau salat tidak dijaga hancurlah agama. Di lain hadisnya “ Aku rindu dunia ialah kaum wanita, wangi-wangian an ketenangan mataku, dalam melakukan salat. Jadi, makna nikmat yang bagaimanapun di dunia, jauh masih lebih unggul bersama Allah di akhirat, sebagai tempat tinggal yang lebih baik dan abadi. Sebab itu dunia bukan hidup yang sebenarnya. (hal 117) Alhasil dari kedua ayat dan hadis, tidak ada satupun yang memerintahkan, membenci dunia. Hanya memperingati, bahwa kehidupan dunia ini adalah ilusi dan fatamorgana dan tidak mungkin hidup puas, karena nanti diakhiratlah hidup yang sebenarnya. Jadi, zuhud menurut Al- Qur’an, boleh kaya dan memiliki semua kecenderungan, sesuai ayat diatas, asal memperolehnya dengan wajar ( halal ) dan selalu mengeluarkan sebagiannya untuk zakat infak dan sadakah. Syukur: Syukur artinya berterima kasih,dan menempatkan segala pemberian Allah kepada yang diridhaiNya. Dalam Al-Qur’an ada beberapa ayat betapa perlunya bersyukur sesudah hidup zuhud “ Dan Allah mengeluarkan kamu dari perut ibumu, dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui sesuatupun, dan Dia memberi kamu pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati, agar kamu bersyukur.(QS. 16 : 78). Menurut ulama Tafsir, kesyukuran pertama bagi manusia, karena diberi hidup dunia yang dilengkapi saranan pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati yang menyebabkan dapat beriman, berilmu, bekerja dan berusaha, selanjutkan hidup dunia dibawah asuhan dan buaian orangtuanya yang mendidik bertahun-tahun sampai menjadi dewasa. Yaitu karena memberi fasilitas berupa kekayaan dunia. Agar kekayaan berlanjut diakhirat yang lebih baik, maka diharuskan selalu bersyukur kepadaNya. Penyiksaan dan penderitaan yang dialami manusia, baik didunia atau diakhirat kelak, akibat ulah manusia sendiri, jika tidak pandai bersyukur dan memanfaatkan kekayaan alam yang disediakan lebih dahulu. Menurut Zubrat Tafsir, ayat diatas menjelaskan agar kita syukuri denmgan kelahiran melalui perantaraan ibu. Disamping itu, hendaknya selalu menyadari, bagaimana keadaan diri sewaktu masih kecil, pada mulanya tidak mengetahui sesuatu, kemudian dilengkapi sarana yang dapat merekam ilmu dan teknologi, sehingga berprestasi. Artinya, agar semua pemberian itu dihargai. Lalu pemberian amanah seperti itu disyukuri dengan jalan mengamalkannya pemberian kepada yang diridhaiNya, dan bukan sebaliknya. Sesuai syariat, sebagai petunjuk, karena orang yang tidak bersyukur, menyebabkan datangnya penderitaan, (siksaan) dengan tiba-tiba dan berkepanjangan. Disebutkan Al-Qur’an “ Tuhan tidak akan menyiksa kamu, selama kamu tetap dalam iman dan selalu dalam syukur.Dan Allah Maha Mensyukuri lagi Maha Mengetahi (QS. 4: 147). Ulama Tafsir menjelaskan, tidak mungkin Tuhan memberikan siksaan dan penderitaan (musibah) kepada hambaNya selama hamba itu memegang teguh iman dan selalu mensyukuri pemberianNya. Dikiaskan, penderitaan yang dialami di tanah air sekarang, secara berentetan seperti kata orang, kayaknya sudah seperti arisan, adalah termasuk ulah manusia sendiri yang menyia-nyiakan pemberian, yang tidak menyalurkan kepada yang diridhaiNya. 

 Tawakal : Zunnun Al-Misri menyebutkan yang disebut tawakal, “ Melepaskan diri dari bantuan dan meninggalkan sebab-sebab”.( 264). Dalam Al- Qur’an, disebutkan berapa ayat : 1) Dan hanya Allah hendaknya kamu bertawakal, jika kamu benar-benar orang mukmin ( QS. Al-Maidah 23) 2) Dan hanya kepada Allah saja, orang-orang bertawakal itu, berserah diri. ( QS. 14:12) 3) Barangsiapa bertawakal kepada Allah, niscaya Allah mencukupkan keperluannya (QS.Al-Thalaq 3) Tawakal menurut sufi ada 3 derajat: Pertama, yaitu keyakinan seseorang akan tanggung jawab dan pemeliharaan Allah, sama keyakina tangan kanannya (orang kepercayaannya) Kedua, derajat lebih tinggi dari yang pertama. Ketiga, yang tertinggi, yaitu memposisikan diri dihadapan Allah, ibarat mayit dengan posisi yang memandikannya. Tawakal pertama masih melakukan usaha. Kedua, hanya berdoa. Ketiga, tidak lagi berusaha dan berdoa (meminta). Tawakal yang benar, sesuai Al-Qur’an, ialah tawakal yang tetap ada usaha, meminta (doa) dan beramal (bekerja). Disebut Al-Qur’an Fantasyiru ( jika selesai salat, bertebaranlah kamu dimuka bumi (QS.Al-Jum’ah 1O).

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Candi Sambisari

Candi Sambisari
Nothing strange feeling that descend Karyowinangun on a morning in 1966. But a rare occurrence experienced in the field at that time, when you're swinging the spade into the ground. Hoe who swung to the ground hit a large rock after having seen carvings on its surface. Karyowinangun and residents were surprised by the presence of stone blocks. Department aware of any archaeological findings was soon to come and the next set of rice acreage Karyowinangun as ancient sanctuary. Carved stone found was supposed to be part of the temple were probably buried under rice acreage. Excavations carried out ended up finding hundreds of other boulders with ancient statues. And true enough, the stones were indeed a component of a temple. Hose 21 years later, finally able to enjoy the beauty of the temple. The temple building that stands majestically named Sambisari Sambisari Hamlet, Village Purwomartani, Kalasan District, Sleman, 10 kilometers from the city center. You can reach by driving through the Yogya-Solo cross to find signposts to this temple. Next, you just turn left follow the flow path. YogYES surprised when he arrived at the temple area. When direct view into the center of the temple area, it just looks as if the roof stone structure plays only a few meters above the ground. YogYES wondering, is it true that only a small Sambisari it? After the close, then we got the answer. Apparently, Sambisari is 6.5 meters lower than the surrounding area. Sambisari probably built between the years 812-838 AD, probably during the reign of Rakai Garung. The temple complex consists of 1 parent and 3 temples temples companion. There are two fences surrounding the temple complex, the fence has been restored completely, while the other one is only displayed little fence to the east of the temple. Still as a barrier, there are 8 pole phallus scattered in every direction of the wind. The main temple building is unique because it has no base like other temples in Java. Foot of the temple also functions as a base so it is parallel with the ground. The foot of the temple left plain, without any reliefs or decorations. Various decorations are generally in the form of new simbar found on the body to the outside of the temple top. The decoration was fleeting as batik motifs. Climb the stairs of the main temple entrance, you can find an ornament of a lion is in the mouth of makara (animal magic in Hindu mythology) that open. Figure makara in Sambisari and an evolution of the form of makara in India which could be a combination of elephants with fish or crocodile with a bent tail. 1 meter wide corridor will be met after passing through the last step of the main temple entrance. Surrounds it, you will find three niches each containing a statue. On the north side, there is a statue of Goddess Durga (Shiva's wife) with 8 arms, each holding a weapon. While on the east side there is a statue of Ganesha (son of Goddess Durga). On the south side, there is a statue of Agastya with aksamala (beads) were worn around the neck. Entering the main chamber of the main temple, we can see the phallus and yoni is large enough, roughly 1.5 meters. Its presence indicates that the temple was built as a place of worship of Lord Shiva. Phallus and yoni in the main temple chamber is also used to make holy water. Typically, water is poured on the linga and allowed to flow through a small ditch on the yoni, and then collected in a container. Exit the temple and head west, you can see the three ancillary temples (companion) facing the opposite direction. There are allegations that these ancillary temples intentionally built without a roof for when the excavation was discovered the roof rocks. The temples have ancillary central square pedestal decorated with dragons and Padmasana (lotus flower) spherical convex on it. Chances are, Padmasana and pedestal used as a statue or offerings. When you have been content to enjoy the beauty of the temple, you can go to the information. Some photos depicting the Karyowinangun field before the temple excavated and initial conditions when found can be found. There are also photographs of the excavation and reconstruction of the temple that lasted for tens of years, including photographs of other objects found during the excavation, in the form of bronze statues that are kept in the Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall. Sambisari beauty that now we can enjoy is the result of hard work of the archaeologist for 21 years. The temple was originally like a giant puzzle, piece by piece sustainability reassembled after another glorious cultural heritage of the past.
READ MORE - Candi Sambisari
READ MORE - Candi Sambisari

Candi Plaosan

Candi Plaosan
You do not need to rush back to the lodge after a visit to Prambanan temple, for not far from the Hindu temple in the world that you will also find other temples are just as entertaining. Drove to the north as far as 1 km, you will see Plaosan, a temple built by Rakai Pikatan to the queen, Pramudyawardani. Located in the Village District Bugisan Prambanan temple architecture is a blend of Hindu and Buddhist.

Plaosan complex is divided into two groups, namely Plaosan Plaosan Lor and South. Second temple has a rectangular patio that is surrounded by a wall, which shaped meditation substation in the west and the stupa on the other. Because of the similarities, the appearance Plaosan Lor and the South is almost identical when viewed from a distance so far Plaosan Temple is also often called the twin temples.

Lor Plaosan building has a central courtyard surrounded by a wall with the entrance on the west. At the center of the page there is a hall measuring 21.62 mx 19 m. In the eastern part of the pavilion, there are 3 pieces of the altar, the altar north, east and south. Preview Amitbha, Ratnasambhava, Vairocana, and Aksobya found in eastern altar. Stupa Samantabadhara and Ksitigarbha figure in northern altar, while Manjusri picture found in western altar.

South Plaosan temple also has a pavilion in the center surrounded by 8 small temples are divided into 2 levels and each level consists of 4 temples. There is also a picture Amitbha Tathagata, Vajrapani with vajra attribute Utpala Prajnaparamita is considered the "mother of all Buddhas". Some other pictures can still be found but not in place of the original. Manujri figure which, according to a Dutch scientist named Krom is significant also found.

Part Bas reliefs of this temple has a unique picture of men and women. There is a man who is depicted sitting cross-legged with his hands and figures he worshiped with vara mudra hand and a vase at the foot of a man surrounded by six smaller ones. A woman was pictured standing with vara mudra hand, while there are books around him, pallet and vases. Krom argued that the figures he was the picture of her patron supporter of the two temples.

The entire complex has 116 stupas Plaosan ancillary and 50 ancillary temples. Ancillary stupas can be seen on all sides of the main temple, as well as ancillary temples are smaller. When walking to the north, you can see the open structure called Mandapa. Two inscriptions can also be found, the inscription on the gold coins in the north of the main temple and an inscription written on a stone in the first row Perwara.

One of the particularities Plaosan is a smooth surface of the terrace. Google Chrome is different temple terrace terrace other temples built in the same period. According to him, it is related to the function of the temple at the time suspected to save the canonical texts of Buddhist monks. Another suggestion that came from the Dutch scientists, if the number of priests in the area a little then maybe porch was used as a temple (Buddhist temples).

If you look around the temple, you will know that Plaosan actually a vast temple complex. It can be seen from the perimeter fence along 460 m from north to south and 290 meters from west to east, as well as interior fence consisting of trenches along 440 m from north to south and 270 meters from west to east. Trenches that make up the interior of the fence can be seen by walking eastwards through the middle of this historic building.
READ MORE - Candi Plaosan
READ MORE - Candi Plaosan


Many people always mention when talking about building Borobudur Buddhist temple. In fact, there are many Buddhist-style temple located in Yogyakarta, one of which is closely related to the Borobudur Temple Tara. The temple is located in Kalibening, Kalasan was built by the same drafter Borobudur, the Rakai Panangkaran. Because of its location in the Kalasan, the temple is better known as Kalasan. It was completed in 778 AD, the temple Tara became the oldest Buddhist temple in Yogyakarta. The temple which stood not far from Yogya Solo Road was built as a tribute to the marriage of the Sanjaya Dynasty Pancapana by Dyah Pramudya Ward of the Sailendra dynasty. Besides as a wedding gift, the temple was also a response to the king's proposal to build another shrine to the goddess Tara and convents for priests. Tara Temple is a building shaped square base with each side measuring 45 meters high and 34 meters. Building vertically temple consists of three parts, namely temple foot, temple body and temple roof. The foot of the temple is a building that stands on a square stone base and a wide stone. In that section there is a staircase with makara ornament at the end. Meanwhile, around the foot of the temple there are ornate tendrils coming out of a pot. The temple has the appearance that juts out in the middle. On the outer surface of the body of the temple there is a niche decorated with the figure of the god who holds a lotus flower in a standing position. Part tenggaranya had a booth in which there is a throne decorated with motifs backed lion standing on the backs of elephants. Booths can be entered from the booth viewer contained on the east side. The roof of the temple is octagonal and consists of two levels. A Buddhist statues depicting humans are on the first level while the second level there are statues depicting Buddha Yani. The top of the temple in the form of a square symbolizing Semeru with a decorative highlight of stupas. At the border of the body with the roof of the temple there is a temple flower Khayangan bodied creatures dwarf called Gana. If you look at the detail of the temple, you will also find beautiful reliefs on the surface. For example, relief gods trees and clouds and their occupants Khayangan being played sounds. The residents Khayangan it brings fiddle, clams and camara. There is also a picture of the flower buds, leaves and tendrils. Relief at Tara Temple is distinctive because it is lined with ancient cement called Brajalepha, made from the sap of certain trees. Around the temple there are stupas with about 4.6 m totaling 52 pieces. Although stupas were no longer intact because it was impossible assembled parts intact, you can still enjoy it. Visiting temples history of the temple is known by the lettered inscription Panagari, you will increasingly recognize the greatness of Rakai Panangkaran had even built a shrine in Thailand. The temple is also a proof that in the past there have been attempts to reconcile religion with one another. Evidently, Panangkaran Hindu temple built on a proposal Tara Buddhist monks and dedicated to the well Pancapana Buddhist. The temple is also the one that became a shrine that inspired Atisha, a Buddhist from India who had visited Borobudur and spread Buddhism to Tibet.

Candi Gamping

Candi Gamping
Not all temples have a distinctive beautiful relief because generally only decorated by statues and reliefs that are common in almost all temples. One of the beautiful relief is typical temple was, a temple was accidentally discovered by a brick craftsman in Gampingan Village, Piyungan, Bantul in 1995. Despite its small size and was no longer intact, the temple was still rich in charming relief.

One of the reliefs that can be found in this temple are animal relief at the foot of the temple. Relief animal looks so natural that can be known animal species depicted. Quite rare temples have such relief, at least just Mendut Prambanan and are known to have a similar relief. All relief is decorated with tendrils background, ie padmamula (lotus plant roots) are believed to be the source of life.

When YogYES around, looking kind of animal is a bird that dominates. There is relief that crows seem to have a large beak, sturdy body, the wing inflates upward and fan-shaped tail. There are also reliefs depicted woodpecker has a crest on its head, beak rather long, pointed wings and do not inflate. In addition, there is also a rooster that had a chest swelled and fluffy wings down.

Making reliefs of birds in large quantities in this temple relates to community belief in transcendental power of birds. It is believed, the bird is a manifestation of the gods as well as the messenger of the gods or nature nirvana. Birds are also associated with absolute freedom achieved after successful man left the world, a symbol of the human soul separated from his body.

Relief animal that is often described is a frog. The community believed that the frogs have supernatural powers that can bring rain, so the frog is also believed to increase productivity, the rain brought frogs could improve crop yields. Frogs often emerge from the water also symbolizes the renewal of life and resurrection to a better direction.

Until now, the relief still leaves the question of whether a fable (animal story fairy tale to children) as Mendut animal or picture that deliberately to show purposeful. The question arises because the description of the animals in the temple was not found in books containing fables, such as the Jataka, Sukasaptati, Pancatantra and derivative versions.

The temple was probably built between the years 730-850 AD is believed to be the temple of the god Jambhala (God of fortune, the son of Lord Shiva). It was based on the discovery of Arca Jambhala when extracting. Jambhala described as being in a state of trance, her eyes closed while sitting cross-legged. The body was decorated by iconographical elements (asanas) which has the form of a lotus leaf symbol are 8 pieces as chakras in the human body.

Figure Jambhala in this temple is different from those in other temples. Generally, Jambhala other temples depicted with wide eyes staring devotees accompanied with a variety of ornaments that symbolize wealth and luxury. It is believed, based on the depiction of these different motivations worship, not to invoke prosperity but guidance in order to achieve true happiness.

Visiting the temple was going to lead us to rethink about the path we have taken to achieve happiness and prosperity. Relief dominated by animals that live in the surrounding environment could be the realization of local wisdom that era in representing a message of nirvana: to prosper and avoid disaster, people should maintain harmony with nature.
READ MORE - Candi Gamping
READ MORE - Candi Gamping

Candi Mendut

Candi Mendut located 3 km to the east of the temple of Borobudur, a Buddhist temple built in 824 AD by King Sense of Sailendra dynasty. In the Mendut there are 3 (three) big statue. Cakyamuni who was sitting cross-legged with the position of the hand turning the wheel of dharma. Awalokiteswara as Bodhi Satwa help humanity Awalokiteswara an Amitabha statue that is above the crown, Vajrapani. She is holding a red lotus flower is placed in the palm of the hand. Maitreya as the future savior of the human There is a story for children on the walls. The temple is often used to celebrate the Vesak ceremony every May on the night of the full moon and visited by pilgrims from Indonesia and abroad. The temple is older than Borobudur temple. Its architecture is rectangular and has entrances on top of the ladder. The roof is also square and terraced, there stupa on it.
READ MORE - Candi Mendut
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Candi Pawon

Candi Pawon located 1.5 km to the west of Mendut and to the east of the temple of Borobudur, is also a Buddhist temple. When examined in detail in relief, it is the beginning of the reliefs of Borobudur. Many people think Pawon is a tomb, but after investigation it turns out the place to store weapons Indera king named Vajranala. This temple is made ​​of volcanic rock. Judging of the art building is a combination of art and buildings of ancient Javanese Hindu India. Pawon located right on the axis of the line connecting the Borobudur and Mendut. The possibility of this temple was built to Kubera. The temple is located on the upper terrace and the stairs are a bit wide. All the parts are decorated with stupa (dagoba) and outer walls with symbolic images.
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READ MORE - Candi Pawon

Kedulan temple

Kedulan temple is a Hindu-style temple located in the hamlet Kedulan, approximately 3 kilometers from Kalasan. This temple was accidentally discovered by miners sand on 24 November 1993. Distinct pleasure would be obtained if visiting this temple, because you can enjoy the process of reconstruction of the temple is very complicated. 7 meter deep excavation will immediately encountered upon arriving at this temple complex. Excavation site contains the temple stones were scattered in all directions and the distance of the main temple that looks still together. In this excavation Kedulan temple complex consisting of one main temple and three ancillary temples (companion) originally stood. Now, the foot of the main temple is being tested in order to be boarded kekokohannya other stones at a later stage. Surrounding the area around the excavation site, will be found a stone temple that was reconstructed by matching a single stone with another stone. Stones that have successfully matched given certain symbols are written using chalk. Looks guardrail construction while building the temple hall, roof, temple room and some other parts of the body temple. Also evident is the phallus and yoni are thought to be components of the filling chamber of the temple. Some of the ornaments that decorate the temple was able to enjoy its beauty while the temple itself is still under reconstruction. For example, relief under the yoni dragon expected to fill the main chamber of the main temple, in contrast to the dragon figure trimmer yoni temple in Central Java more visible because jawed. There are also reliefs of gods in some parts of the temple walls, ornate tendrils, rosette, and relief motif. Finished touring, YogYES talking with one of his staff named Haryono. He told me how hard it is to reconstruct the building had collapsed. There are hundreds of stone that must be matched so that the temple could stand up again, but to match no clues at all. Because of the difficulty, sometimes a worker can only match a single stone with another stone within a week. Yes, like putting together a giant puzzle. When entering the information next to the excavation site, you can know the approximate design Kedulan temple. From the estimated results, the temple has a height of 8 meters, divided into the legs, body and roof. The temple consists of 10 layers of stone with a height of 2.4 meters, has several niches with a statue of Ganesha (son of Shiva), Agastya, Durga (Shiva's wife), and Nandiswara Nandaka (vehicle Goddess Durga), as well as having a narrow corridor allegedly only to the certain people. The roof of the temple consists of 13 layers of andesite. From the above description one can assume that the overall architecture similar to Sambisari. In an information space that, you can see the ruins of the ruins of ornate bowls and pottery items allegedly used in ritual worship in this temple. In addition, there is also the wood comes from trees that grew during this temple stands. Haryono YogYES told that one of the pieces of wood that had brought someone to be carved, but returned because the person who took it experienced a disaster. Some photos of other objects found during the excavation can also be seen in the information space. There is a photo made from bronze statues of gods and photos and Sumudul Pananggaran inscriptions were found in 2003. On the walls of the room, there is a picture of the soil layer where the temple stones are found, as well as photographs depicting the excavation that lasted for years. On June 12, 2003, found two pieces of inscriptions at the excavation site. Inscriptions written in Pallava and Sanskrit letters has been successfully read by two epigraphs from the Department of Archaeology of Gadjah Mada University, Dr. Riboet Darmoseotopo and Tjahjono Prasodjo MA. Framed in 791 Saka (869 AD, or about 10 years after the Prambanan temple stands), the contents of the estate tax exemption and Parhyangan Pananggaran Village, dams for irrigation, establishment of a sacred building named Tiwaharyyan and the threat of damnation for those who do not obey the rules. Some archaeologists suspect that the inscription relates to the establishment Kedulan temple. The building is thought to be sacred Tiwaharyyan Kedulan temple itself. Pananggaran village told the inscription believed to be in the area around the temple, as well as the dam in question. But until now have not found traces of an ancient dam in question. Maybe the dam was built on the River Opak within ± 4 km from the temple site, or perhaps also in the river that now no longer exists due to the eruption of Mount Merapi lava covered a thousand years ago. The number puzzle waiting to be solved and its charm component makes traveled temple to temple Kedulan interesting to do. Conditions temple under reconstruction just added our pleasure.
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READ MORE - Kedulan temple


According to an ancient Indian manuscripts, their communities when it has a flying machine called the "Vimanas." Of the few studies conducted, there are several types of aircraft of ancient india (Vimana), including the Rukma Vimana, Shakuna Vimana, Sundara Vimana, etc.
Many UFO investigators want to know one important fact. When a UFO is referred to as an alien-owned vehicle, or maybe it's from Tentera kingdom, appeared one more possibility that may be about UFOs that it originated from ancient India and Atlantis. What do we know about the ancient Indian aircraft arrival rather than sources of ancient India which includes the writing of the text that comes from generation to generation. Without a lot of prejudice we can say that most of these texts are valid and original look yet again largely translated from the old Sanskrit.
Maharaja Ashoka India has set up an organization "Nine Mysterious Man" which is a well known Indian scientists are saying cataloging different types of sources of science. Ashoka's work had kept them all because he felt that the latest scientific discoveries will be stuck from ancient Indian sources themselves, and it will be misused for the purpose of a cruel war which is not desired by Ashoka himself.
"Nine mystery man" has written nine books of interrelated between each lain.Buku titled "Secrets Gravity" very recognizable among historians but is not regarded by them as something to do with gravity. He is considered to be still there, tucked away in a secret library in India, Tibet, or everywhere (maybe also in some of North America). Just a few years ago, the Chinese people have met a few pieces of Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet and has taken him to the University Chandrigargh to translate. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University explained that dukumen it contains the instructions to make a spaceship! Ways of making them, are anti-gravity and ° Based to an analog system that is "laghima", a power source that is not known to modern man. According to the Hindu Yoga, "laghima" it makes a person has the ability to fly. Dr.Reyna explained that on board these machines are known as "Astras", said to have been used by ancient Indian society to bring a group of people to another planet, as it appears on the document, which is said to have thousands and thousands of years old. The manuscripts were also said to have explained the secret "antima" (ways to be missing) and "gerima" (how to become as heavy as a mountain). At first, Indian scientists are not so serious about the content of the manuscript but then they would menyedari nature of valuable manuscripts when China announced that free country they would put certain pieces of data manuscripts into their space studies program! It was one of the first examples of the kingdom to admit making the study of anti-gravity. Although the manuscript is explained clearly about the design of interplanetary exploration and exploration to the moon but it is not clear if all the space a trip it is really done. Even though one of the famous Indian epic Ramayana, has a detailed story about the exploration to the moon by using a Vimana (or "Astra").

Instead epic Ramayana tells the detailed notice of the battle on the moon with an airplane "Asvin" (or Atlantean). This is an evidence of anti-gravity and space ship technology has been used by the people of ancient India. To really understand the technology, we must look back to the past, to the kingdom of Rama in North India and Pakistan were formed in the period around 15,000 years ago. At the time it was mentioned that there has emerged a sophisticated cities systematically organized everything ranging from landscapes to drainage arrangement. Remember how the story of Solomon's charming Queen Balqis? How to shape his palace, so described if we walk on the floor of the palace, as if we were walking on the surface of the water! Maybe it had to do. While in the Quran there is mention of the miracle of the Prophet Solomon could ride the wind. This may be closely related to the technologies developed in that era. Proof of the existence of Rama can still be found in the deserts of northern Pakistan and western India. Rama thought to have lived coeval with the nation on the continent of Atlantis. Seven major cities of the greatest in the kingdom of Rama known as the "Seven Rishi Cities" in the classical Hindu texts.
According to an ancient Indian text, the public when it has a flying machine called the "Vimanas" Epiks ancient India has made it clear a Vimanas as one aircraft has two decks and with the presence of sphere-shaped hole in the bottom of the plane and the tower portion at the top. According to the information we might associate with the alias UFO flying saucer. Vimana said to have the ability to fly with the wind speed and emits bermelodi. There are at least 4 types for Vimana aircraft, partly shaped plate and the other long cylindrical (conical space ship). Ancient Indian society that produces its own ships, flight manuals have been written about various types of Vimanas, most manuscripts are still sought by scientists. While bgaian manuscript discovered even been translated into English. Samara is the director of scientific literature related to the success of space travel using a Vimana.
There are 230 poems relating to creating, traveling as far as a thousand rocks, landing normally, anxiety, and the story of the flight of birds! In 1875, a book titled Vaimanika Letters written by a scientist named Bhara Dewaji written by scientists who use the books as long as the source. The book was found in a temple in India and in the particulars contained therein relating to how to drive a Vimana, rescue measures, the long flight, and protection of the aircraft from the threat of hurricanes, lightning, and thunder. We explained how to absorb the sun's energy. Vaimanika Literature (or Vymaanika-Shaastra) has eight ranks with sketches describing three types of aircraft, including the types that could be easily burned or destroyed. He also explained about the 31 species of certain parts for vehicles and 16 raw materials as a source of energy which can also absorb light and heat energy corresponding to move Vimana. This document has been translated into English and can be obtained by sending a letter to the publisher Vymaani Dashaastra Aeronotics to Maharishi Bharadwaaja. Translated into English and edited, printed and published by En. G.R. Josyer, Mysore, India, 1979. En. Josyer is a director for the academy Technics Sanskrit Inter Nations, located in Mysore. Indeed there is no doubt that Vimanas were powered by energy source "anti-gravity". Vimanas took off the cross-section, and said to be able to fly in the sky like a helicopter moden. Bharadvajy refer that no less than 70 people the authorities and 10 experts of air flight is involved. This energy source is gone. Vimanas were kept in a Vimana Griha, such penyangkut, and said sometimes painted with a kind of yellowish white paint and similar materials sometimes with mercury.
Yellowish white paint looks suspiciously like gaselin and perhaps Vimanas had a few different sources of energy, including an engine and a jet engine even nervous. It is interesting to note that the Nazis also made the first practical jet engines for rockets nerve V.8 them. Hitler and Nazi accomplices are also said to be interested in ancient India and Tibet so early in the year 30 -'s has brought a team of two expeditions to the site every year, in an effort to obtain evidence and it is not impossible to say the Nazis may acquire their scientific guidance of two ancient sources. Referring Dranaparva epiks which is part of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, illustrated Vimana shaped like an oblong shape and has great speed as the wind is strong, the material produced by the mercury. He moved like a UFO, up and down, backwards and forwards as the pilot desired. In the one other source that is Samaranganasutradhara India has explained how this vehicle was formed. In those days the mercury has been known to use the material as fuel Vimanas, see the picture described by the book. Many Russian scientists surprised to find your driving record be listed in bebeperapa wall caves in Turkey and the Gobi Desert. From carvings and reliefs contained in clay and glass pieces described how a speeding cosmic vehicles. Aircraft flying between planets is symbolized by a triangle in which there is a symbol of mercury. This clearly shows that the people of ancient India has been able to send a messenger with these vehicles and explore Asia, Atlantis, to South America. In Mohenjodaro (Pakistan) there is a manuscript that describes the Ramayana war using all forms of weaponry and vehicles that fly semcam. Imagine how laser technology, jet, and rocket has been in the kingdom and the Ramayana since pulverize ancient civilization in that era. Let's look at the verses are written in the book of Mahavira and Bhawabhuti from the 8th century: "An aerial vehicles, Pushpaka brought many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky was filled with flying vehicles. dark like the night, but seen from a yellowish light them. "Unfortunately Vimanas, like most other scientific creation, has been used for war purposes. Atlantis people use their flying vehicles, "Vailixi" to attack other nations and rule the world. In ancient Indian texts known as the nation Aswins. Although there is no record of the plane Vailixi of atlantis own nation but their arrival to India by air a great deal to tell. Description Vailixi cylindrical long and can fly well in addition to being able to move in the water like a submarine.
Other vehicles, like Vimanas shaped like plates and may also be moving underwater. According Eklal Kuehshana, author of "The Ultimate Frontier," in an article he wrote in 1966, states that the earliest Vailixi made at the Atlantis about 20,000 years ago and the most common form is the form of a plate with three engine room underneath. " "They use a mechanical apparatus that anti-gravity by using the power of 80.000 horsepower engine," In the text of the Mahabharata, one of the sources that describe Vimanas, no one explained about the great extinction which shows an impression of the war: "... (the weapon a) a tool that contains all the energy that exists in this world. A huge cloud of smoke and bright lights like light of thousands of sun has produced ... The radiant lightning, a devastating messenger of death, which caused havoc throughout descent Andhaka .. Vrishni and their corpses were burned so can not be known for sure. Hair and nail them apart; broke without cause, and the birds turned white swapped .. after a few hours all contribute tainted food ingredients .. to stand off dairpada fire, the soldier jumped into the river to clean themselves and their equipment .. "From this description, as if the Mahabharata is describing a state of war to use the atomic bomb! Now the West has been able to uncover some of the secrets of gravity .. they have been able to create an anti-gravity machine of producing power elektromagnetasi field which they named as levitation, but there is still more practice .. whether we are from Southeast Asia should be indifferent to this? Get a grip. References like this is not just one; warfare weapons were amazing and unusual flying vehicle is a picture of the epic Indian books. There is a war epic depicting the Vimana-Vailixi on the moon!
The battle depicted in the above action describes exactly about the impression of an atomic explosion and radioactive impression on the people. When big city Rishi at Mohenjodaro (Pakistan) discovered by archaeologists at the end of the last century, they saw the skeletons lying in the streets, some holding hands, as if they had been hit by a disaster that is suddenly very dasyhat arrived. In the frames of a remaining highly radioactive, similar to those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. From the ancient cities made of bricks and rocks that have been deformed, namely in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and some other places, there is no logical explanation as to the change but rather a result of an atomic explosion. Furthermore, at Mohenjo-Daro, a large city in the form of grid terancang, with better channel system than there are in Pakistan and India, streets filled with crushed "black glass".
Flakes was later known as the land-bound clay has a liquid due to overheating of the transgressors. After the sinking of Atlantis and Rama extinction due to atomic weapons, the world for a moment back to the stone age as several thousand years earlier. Nevertheless, it appears that not all the Vimanas and Vailixi owned Rama and Atlantis were gone. Because it was created to function for thousands of years, most still can be used, such as those contained in the paper "Nine Unknown Men", Ashoka, and the Lhasa manuscript.
What is interesting is that there is a historical passage that states that during Alexander the Great invaded India more than two thousand years ago, the troops were attacked by "flying shields and shining" haunting Tentera forces and troops riding. Nevertheless "flying saucers" did not use any atomic bombs or other weapons to the paramilitary Iskandar. In the captivating India is also Iskandar Crowded. authors state that many secret societies have kept most of their Vimanas and Vailixi in secret caverns in Tibet or elsewhere in Central Asia and the Lop Nor Desert in western China that until now known as the center of a great UFO mystery. Maybe that's where most of the space ship stored in an underground base built by the United States, Britain, and Russia a few decades ago. But the appearance of UFOs in the present that is so often still leaves many questions about their activities.  
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