Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009

Keris (kris) in JAVA

warangka yogyakarta

Sheath in the form similar to Yogyakarta, Surakarta, only slightly smaller in size, its style is more singset. That looks similar to the sheath Ladrang, in Yogyakarta called branggah. Wood branggah sheath makers in Yogyakarta is wood trembalo and timaha. Actually the use of sheaths in Yogyakarta branggah with Ladrang sheaths in Surakarta, but several decades of this standard is not too tight in the community.

Warangka Surakarta

Usually made of fragrant sandalwood or sandalwood Sumbawa (sandalwood - Santalum album L.) The second option is trembalo wood, then wood pellets timaha. Warangka Ladrang syllables divided into four main Kasatriyan Ladrang, Ladrang Duchy, Ladrang Capu, and Ladrang disorder. The two last shapes are now rarely made, thus have become rare. Warangka Ladrang is kind of worn sheaths to attend a ceremony, party, and the user is not on duty. When compared to the military clothing, clothing belonging to the sheath Ladrang Office Ceremony (PDU).


serves as a protective or coating axle, which is part of the sheath of the kris soft wood. However, the protective function is then turned into a means to display luxury. Simple Pendok usually made of brass or copper, but that luxury is made of silver or gold set with jewels. Pendok form some kind, ie pendok bunton, blewehan, slorok and topengan.


This term is used for a keris is not straight, but curved or grooved. Luk at kris always uneven, is never even. The count starts from the bay three to luk thirteen. That is a normal keris. If more than 13 luk, regarded as abnormal kris, and called the keris kalawijan or palawijan.

The number of keris luk always uneven, is never even. In addition, the rhythm of the keris luk divided into three groups. First, luk a shallow or vague. Second, the sedeng luk or medium. And third, who luk rengkol - of which the rhythms around her stern.

keris bugis

In the keris culture there are a number of foreign-sounding terms for the layman. Understanding of these terms will be very useful in the process of understanding of the keris. The term in the world of the keris, especially in Java, which is often used: angsar, kitchen, prestige, furniture, tough, tanjeg, and so forth.

Below is a brief description alphabetically arranged about the keris. The term is commonly used in Java and Madura, but understandable and sometimes also used in other areas, such as Sulawesi, Sumatra, and even in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam.


is a supernatural power that is believed by some to be found in a keris. Power supernatural or occult power is not visible, but can be felt by those who believe. Angsar can have a good or positive, may also reverse.

Basically, all the keris was angsar good. But sometimes, good angsar was not necessarily suitable for everyone. For example, the keris has a good angsar for a soldier, almost certainly not suitable if it is owned by a trader. Keris who has a good angsar for a leader who had many men, not suitable for low-ranking employees.

To get to know angsar kris, requires knowledge of tanjeg. While fit and to determine whether or not someone with angsar a keris, requires knowledge of tayuh.


Is a term used to describe the shape or type of a keris. In the name of the kris kitchen, people who had understood immediately known, such as the keris form what is meant. For example, someone says: "Kris has a form of bedding dapur Upih", the listener will immediately know that the keris is a straight keris, not the keris luk. Another if it is called the kitchen Inten belt, then it must keris luk to eleven.

keris in ethnic communities know Java more than 145 kinds of kitchen keris. But of that number, which is considered as a standard kitchen keris or follow standard are only about 120 of course. Centini, one written source, which can be regarded as guidelines for the standard kris kitchen includes details of the kitchen keris follows:

There are 40 straight keris of the kitchen. Keris three luk 11 kinds. Keris luk five have 12 kinds. Keris luk seven have 8 kinds. Keris luk nine have 13 kinds. Keris luk there are 10 kinds of eleven. Keris luk thirteen has 11 kinds. Keris fifteen luk 3 kinds. Keris luk there are 2 kinds of seventeen. Keris luk nineteen, twenty-nine to luk each some kind.

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