Jumat, 30 Oktober 2009


Prehistoric life style INDONESIA AND RESULTS culture.

Results of prehistoric human culture to maintain and improve the pattern of his life to produce two forms of culture are: Cultural form that is Spiritual, Cultural form that is Spiritual, Prehistoric societies have belief in supernatural powers, namely:

  1. Dynamism, which is belief in things that are considered to have supernatural powers. For example: rock, kris.
  2. Animism, the belief in spirits of their ancestors who dwell in boulders, mountains, big trees. The Spirit is called Hyang.

Patterns of prehistoric human life are :

  1. Is Nomad (sedentary living), which is not yet settled life patterns and clustered in one place as well, their livelihood is hunting and gathering food.
  2. Is Sedenter (settled), the pattern of life was organized and grouped, and settled in one place, farming livelihoods. Begun to know the customary norm, which is based on habits.

Farming systems / agriculture :

  1. They began using the hoe and plow as a farming tool.
  2. Using animals to cows and buffaloes plowing.
  3. Human system to grow rice.
  4. Unknown fertilization system.

In prehistoric human voyage already know the direction of the wind and know the position of the star as a determinant of the direction (compass)
According to Prof. results. Dr. H. Kern, the language used, including the Austronesian language family: Indonesian, Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia.
Occurrence of language differences between regions due to the influence of geographical factors and the development of language.

Type of early human fossils Indonesia :
01. Meganthropus Paleojavanicus (Sangiran).
02. Pithecanthropus Robustus (Trinil).manusia-purba
03. Pithecanthropus Erectus (Homo Erectus) (Trinil).
04. Pithecanthropus Dubius (Jetis).
05. Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis (Perning).
06. Homo Javanensis (Sambung Macan).
07. Homo Soloensis (Ngandong).
08. Homo Sapiens Archaic.
09. Homo Sapiens Neandertahlman Asia.
10. Homo Sapiens Wajakensis (Tulungagung)
11. Homo Modernman.

Stone Age is the period of extensive prehistoric times, when humans created tools from stone (for not having better technology). Wood, bone, and other materials are also used, but the rock (mainly flint) was formed to be used as cutting tools and weapons. The term is derived system of three ages. Stone Age is now divided again into the Paleolitikum, Mesolitikum, and Neolithic, each of which again sorted further.

Palaeolitikum = The old stone age (palaeolitikum), so called because the stone tools made by humans is still done in rough, not rough or dipolis. When viewed from the corner of his living this period is called the hunting and gathering food simple level. Supporting this culture is composed of Homo Erectus. Earliest period of human civilization is marked by the discovery of fossils of early humans in scientific computation was about 1 million years ago as Phitecantropus Erectus, the size of his thigh bone (femur) can be categorized as homo erectus or upright man. And hunting equipment such as handheld axes, showing patterns of human production of that period are still in the hunt. In this period people are still moving from place to place one another in an attempt to get the game.

Neolithic, also called the Neolithic, the phase or the level of culture in prehistoric times that has the characteristics of cultural elements, such as equipment from a sharpened stone, permanent agriculture, livestock, and making pottery.
Early young rock is also referred to as the initial planting in 1500 ranged years ago in Indonesia. Most people in the era of the Paleo-Mongoloid rice. They began to settle and build a farm to live with using simple tools like the pickaxe found scattered in the western archipelago. This tool is also found in Yunnan, South China, Laos shows the human migration from the north through the Mekong river. In the eastern archipelago in many elongated axes are also found in Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, North Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua and other islands of Melanesia. Advanced biological studies showed that the similarity structure of DNA in the blood of humans in this region have similarities, this shows the ancestors came from Indonesia some of the Asian mainland and partly a mixture of Negroid and Mongoloid and Negroid mainly located in the eastern islands . In his spare time waiting for the harvest, they began to have the time to understand the universe and the forces of the Great to simplify their lives. So they started to build places of worship in the form of large stones like Menhir, stone-story building, dolmen and statues of their ancestors, then the end of this time period also known as megaliths.

Megalithikum is a large stone cultural terms (Mega = large; Lithos = stone).
Megalithikum culture is not an age of growing its own, but rather a result of the culture that arose in the time Neolithikum and thrive in the days of metal. Every building that was created by the community would have a function.
(Batu Muda / Neolithikum It is an era in which the tools of human life is made of stone that have been mashed, and form more perfect than the previous period. For example: ax square and oval axes.)

Contained in the Prehistoric Room is a collection of objects of prehistoric relics, among others:

  1. Replicas of human skulls and bones of ancient.
  2. Megalithic statues (human or animal form).

  3. Replica of a stone coffin tomb, the tomb stones in the box was also found in the beads, pottery, and items that come included with the dead were buried.

  4. The tools of metal, such as: ax funnel, arrowheads, spear eyes.
  5. Pottery.
  6. Stone tools of Paleolithic sites Kali Oyo, Hamlet Randusari, Watusigar Village, Sub Ngawen, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. Stone tools they will be penetak ax, ax perimbas, tool flakes, elongated axes, pickaxe.

A Oopart (Out Of Place artifacts / artifact that is not in place) is a term given to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world with the level of a completely different technology to determine the age when based physical, chemical and / or with instructions geologic.

Prehistoric trail

At times paleolithikum, used stone tools are still very rough. Over time, the equipment was developed with the physical forms are more subtle, especially in the era neolithikum.

Given the lack of metal tools, you can bet that is made by cutting or in friction with the other rocks. Thus, making sure that does not take a minute. For ease of use, this type of axes may be given a wooden handle of a clipped, and tied with rattan ropes. Prehistoric ax I get from the South Sukabumi, has a different physical form of stone axes from Pawon Sand Peak. At that time, in the middle of the fun enjoying the panoramic view of limestone hills nearly destroyed, I accidentally found it in a tucked position between the holes of limestone. The ax has a 8.5 cm long, 2.5 wide base and the eyes are toothless measuring 3.5 cm. Huntu than dark, much more rough surface. He was also of course much older. Characteristics, indicates that prehistoric humans had known Pawon Cave rock culture center (mesolithikum). 

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