Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Originally from Cirebon who take from the stands guitar and suling, which is a tool that dominate in this kind of music. Originally bamboo gamelan appliance is then increased in the lute and gamelan made of iron or bronze, then after known guitar then used to replace the lute.

Guitar is a stringed musical instrument played with the fingers of the hand or a plectrum (guitar stringed instrument). The sound produced by vibrating strings.

Guitar can be acoustic or electric guitar, or a combination of both.
Guitar History

Authenticity guitar can not be seen from antiquity. Some experts feel this tool comes from the African continent, where many modern replica in the form of round like a clamshell box with Gut / silk yarn, in many regions of the continent. Other experts find this tool in the form of glass in the relief of old stone relief in the days of Ancient Central Asia and Asia. Materials other thoughts also arise with the discovery of the Ancient Greek vase patterned vase. Greek Strings is probably the first tool that categorized as a guitar. Modern Guitar possibility stems from the Spanish guitar, but different kinds of guitars such as the instrument of instruments that we can see painting painting in Medieval times and Renaiassance that there are many throughout Europe.

suling is a musical instrument from the family of wooden wind instruments. suling sound characterized by soft and can be combined with other musical instruments well.

Modern suling to the experts generally made of silver, gold or a mixture of both. While the suling for students generally made from nickel-silver, or silver-coated metal.

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